Categories for Blog

  • The Unsung Heroes of India’s Economic Freedom—MSME

    India, a land of diverse cultures, has witnessed a remarkable journey since gaining Independence 78 years ago. While the nation’s progress is often attributed to large corporations, big producers, and multinational giants, the bedrock of its economic growth also lies... View Article

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  • Print to Profit: How Partnering with Protium Rewrote the Success Story of Printers Club of India

    Access to capital is a make-or-break factor for India’s MSMEs. Despite their potential, many promising businesses are held back by traditional lenders’ stringent conditions and lengthy approval processes. This challenge is particularly pronounced in industries like manufacturing and production-based businesses... View Article

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  • The Indian Handloom Industry: A Legacy Woven Through Time

    India’s tryst with handlooms dates back over 5,000 years to the Indus Valley Civilization—Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa’s intricate weaving techniques and cotton fibers speaking volumes about our ancestors’ textile prowess. From the Vedic era to the Mughal grandeur, the colonial struggles... View Article

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  • Beyond the Podium: How We Embody the Olympic Spirit in us or Protium.

    The Paris Olympics 2024 are so much more than just a sporting event. ‘Ouvrons grand les Jeux’ or ‘Games wide open,’ as its motto goes—and the arena is as welcoming of the mightiest athletes and teams as it is of... View Article

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  • The Future of Machinery Finance in India: Trends and Predictions

    The Indian government plans to pump in approximately $134 billion into infrastructure development for large, micro, small, and medium enterprises across sectors in FY 2024-2025. With machinery as a vital infrastructure component supporting the nation’s $5 trillion economy goal for... View Article

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  • Financial Planning for Business Growth

    The Role of Financial Planning in Accelerating Business Growth

    For any business, financial planning is not a luxury but a necessity. Today’s dynamic world especially necessitates creating detailed plans, budgets, and forecasts using sophisticated tools like Scenario Modeling, which allows enterprises to anticipate and prepare for optimistic outcomes as... View Article

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