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  • Explore 5 actionable suggestions that NBFCs can adopt to enhance their digital lending capabilities to avoid stagnation & stay ahead of the competition. Read now.

    How can NBFCs scale their digital lending offerings?

    After the COVID-19 pandemic, an accelerated shift has been witnessed in the adoption of innovative technologies by nonbank financial companies (NBFCs). The primary focus of digital lending is on lenders and borrowers as they navigate the digital ecosystem of banking... View Article

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  • Reserve Bank of India's

    The Role of RBI in shaping the Indian Economy | RBI Day Special

    The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has played a crucial role in shaping the Indian economy since its inception in 1935. From managing the monetary policy to regulating the financial sector, the RBI has been instrumental in laying the foundation... View Article

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  • How to find the right balance between spending your income and long-term investing? Explore a step-by-step guide now.

    How to find the right balance between spending your income and long-term investing?

    In today’s world, it can be difficult to find the right balance between spending your income and saving money for long-term investing. Many people struggle to manage their finances in a way that allows them to enjoy the present while... View Article

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  • Explore a step-by-step guide on how small business owners can apply for a business loan through the Protium app anytime, anywhere. Read now.

    How to apply for a business loan using the Protium App?

    Small businesses are the backbone of the economy, providing jobs and driving innovation. However, small business owners often face financial challenges when trying to grow and expand their businesses. That’s where business loans come in, providing them with the capital... View Article

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  • Explore how Line of Credit (LOC), a type of credit product, plays a crucial role in meeting the financial needs of MSMEs globally. Read now.

    What is a Line of Credit (LOC) and how does it benefit MSMEs?

    Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) have emerged as the backbone of the global economy. Despite their significance, they often struggle to secure funding from traditional financial institutions due to their lack of credit history or collateral. This is where... View Article

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  • Explore how to check your credit score for free, get personalized tips to improve your score and more using ProGenie on the Protium App. Read now.

    How to check your credit score for free with ProGenie on the Protium app?

    If you want to take control of your financial health, then understanding your credit score is crucial. Your credit score is a three-digit number that represents your creditworthiness, and it can affect your ability to borrow money, get a loan,... View Article

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