Categories for Blog

  • Banks vs Fintech vs Protium: What is the Future Model of Lending?

    Unless you have been living under a rock, chances are you have come across terms like FinTech, Blockchain, and neobanks being liberally spewed around in the news. Our financial system has come a long way from its sole focus on... View Article

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  • How-Artificial-Intelligence-and-Machine-Learning-are-revolutionising-the-Lending-Landscape. Learn now.

    How AI and Machine Learning are revolutionising the Lending Landscape

    Synopsis: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can be seen as a set of intelligent services that are meant to mimic human intelligence. But how are they changing the lending landscape? Let’s understand. More people are now using banking... View Article

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  • 7 Common myths about Loan Against Property Busted. Read now to learn.

    7 Common myths about Loan Against Property Busted

    Synopsis: While applying for a loan against property (LAP), there are some myths that you should be aware of so that you don’t fall prey to them. Read along as we debunk those for you to make an informed decision!... View Article

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  • Do lenders want to evaluate the CIBIL score before approving your loan application? Explore why lenders check your CIBIL score, its importance & more. Learn now.

    5 Reasons Why Lenders Check Your CIBIL Score Before Approving the Loan

    Synopsis: The CIBIL score plays a crucial role in your loan application process. Continue reading to learn the importance of a CIBIL score and why lenders check it before approving any loan. CIBIL score is one of the most important... View Article

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  • Are you planning to avail SME loan for your business? Explore 7 simple tips that will get your SME loan approved quickly in India. Read now.

    7 Simple Tips to Get Your SME Loan Approved

    Synopsis: Adequate preparation and a few simple tips before applying for a loan make a whole lot of difference in getting it approved. Here are a few simple tips to help you get your SME loan approved. One of the... View Article

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  • s-a-Long-Term-Business-Loan-Right-for-Your-Business. Read now to learn.

    Is a Long-Term Business Loan Right for Your Business?

    Synopsis: Long-term business loans are credit borrowings that can be repaid over a prolonged period of time, along with added interest and fees. Read along to know if it’s the right decision for your business. While income from sales can... View Article

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