Categories for Blog

  • This article discusses how lending works, its role in an economy, and how it contributes to the overall growth and development of the economy. Read now.

    How Does Lending Contribute to the Economy?

    Synopsis: This article discusses how lending works, its role in an economy, and how it contributes to the overall growth and development of the economy. Lending, also known as financing, occurs when someone allows another person to borrow money, property,... View Article

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  • Explore 12 techniques that NBFCs are using to bridge the credit gap for the MSMEs in India. Read how they are turning into the go-to lender for Indian MSMEs. Read now.

    How NBFCs are Bridging the Credit Gap for MSMEs in India

    The micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME) sector is pivotal to fostering economic development, encouraging entrepreneurship, generating employment, and promoting financial inclusion in our resource-constrained economy. Unfortunately, the MSME sector continues to be saddled with financial bottlenecks, with a lack... View Article

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  • What-Exactly-Does-Working-Capital-Mean-in-Business. Read the blog to learn more.

    What Exactly Does Working Capital Mean in Business?

    Synopsis: In today’s blog, we will touch upon the importance of working capital as a critical resource for your business and how you can boost your working capital to secure better financial health for your business.  Every business requires an... View Article

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  • NBFC or a Bank: Who to Go to For a Business Loan

    The challenging question facing every business owner looking for financing is who should they apply to for a business loan: a bank or an NBFC? While it might make sense to prefer banks for meeting your business loan requirements due... View Article

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  • Explore when is the best time to apply for a business loan that can help you in business expansion, managing cash flows, smooth day-to-day operations & more.

    When is the Best Time to apply for a Business Loan?

    Businesses require a constant infusion of finance, both for raising capital and staying competitive during hard times.   And, out of a variety of sources of funds available nowadays, business loans are becoming extremely popular among small businesses and MSMEs... View Article

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  • Looking to avail a business loan? Here are the top 6 benefits of business loans that can help your business to expand, increase profitability and improve ROI.

    How Business Loans Can Take Your Business to New Heights

    Adequate financial support is extremely crucial for any business to grow or even stay competitive within the marketplace. Running a business requires capital at every step of the journey, from its conception to growth to the maturity of the organization.  ... View Article

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