Categories for Blog

  • MSME financial challenges

    Checkmate Financial Challenges: Top 5 Hurdles MSMEs face (And How to Overcome Them Like a Game of Chess) 

    In the world of business, much like a game of chess, MSMEs navigate a dynamic landscape. Every decision is a strategic move, and financial management determines success. Just as a well-planned chess game anticipates an opponent’s moves, financially sound MSMEs... View Article

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  • MSME Credit Score

    Building a Strong Credit Score: Essential for MSME Growth in India

    Every small or medium enterprise, whether a new entity or an established one, aspires to expand its reach and operations. This growth often requires a financial boost, making business loans a common avenue for them. However, MSMEs often face challenges... View Article

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  • Mistakes to Avoid in Machinery Finance for MSME Success

    Modern machinery is crucial to driving MSME growth as it enables enterprises to increase productivity, improve their products’ quality, and stay ahead of the competition. However, acquiring essential machinery or updating existing ones can be a financial hurdle. This is... View Article

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  • From Beanbags to Booming Business: How Protium Fueled VSK Online Services’ Growth

    India’s MSME sector is a land of opportunity, brimming with passionate entrepreneurs. But the road from dream to success can be bumpy. The biggest hurdle for many aspiring business owners is keeping the cash flowing.  Even profitable businesses can struggle... View Article

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  • MSME credit challenges

    How NBFCs Can Boost Innovation in India’s MSME Through Flexible Loans

    India’s Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), though modest in scale compared to the Large Enterprises, are the unsung heroes of our economy. They contribute a significant 29.15% to the country’s GDP and 45.56% to exports, while creating over 15.50... View Article

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  • Machine Learning in Loan Approval

    From Paperwork to Approval: How Machine Learning Speeds Up Business Loan Applications 

    48% of companies globally use machine learning, while on the other hand 84% of Indian business decision makers are planning to adopt the technology. Why? Because it helps businesses make smarter decisions, faster. But how useful is this technology when... View Article

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