Categories for Thought leadership

  • Women Entrepreneurs' Access to Credit: Is There a Gap in Financing? Learn now.

    Women Entrepreneurs’ Access to Credit: Is There a Gap in Financing?

    Synopsis: Equitable bank ownership has not translated into increased access to credit for women. In today’s blog, we detail the issue of the gendered credit gap and the possible reasons for it. Promoting Nari Shakti, or women empowerment, has been... View Article

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  • Why is the Adoption of Cash Flow-Based Lending Important for MSMEs? Learn now.

    Why is the Adoption of Cash Flow-Based Lending Important for MSMEs?

    Synopsis: As opposed to asset-backed credit, MSMEs can avail of loans based on expected cash flows. In today’s blog, we will untangle what cash flow-based lending is and why it is gaining traction among lenders and MSMEs. Years of mandated... View Article

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  • In today’s article, we will discuss how the new-age FinTech companies are revolutionizing the financial sector through Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) and its implications for the incumbent traditional retail banks.

    Banking-as-a-Service: A Game Changer in the Banking Industry

    Synopsis: In today’s article, we will discuss how the new-age FinTech companies are revolutionizing the financial sector through Banking as a Service (BaaS) and its implications for the incumbent traditional retail banks. Innovation in technology and the development of new... View Article

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  • How-Can-Lenders-Make-the-Most-of-DSAs’ Operations? Learn now.

    How Can Lenders Make the Most of DSAs’ Operations?

    Synopsis: Banks and NBFCs are heavily reliant on Direct Selling Agents (DSAs) for scaling their distribution network without breaking the bank, literally. Below, we spotlight the vital role played by DSAs and how their operations can be augmented further. With... View Article

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  • Banks vs Fintech vs Protium: What is the Future Model of Lending?

    Unless you have been living under a rock, chances are you have come across terms like FinTech, Blockchain, and neobanks being liberally spewed around in the news. Our financial system has come a long way from its sole focus on... View Article

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  • 8 must try strategies to increase your holiday sales in 2022. Explore now.

    Festive Season 2022: How Can Platform Sellers Increase Their Holiday Sales?

    Synopsis: In today’s blog post, we bring some strategies that platform sellers can apply to profit from the marked uptick in consumer demand experienced during holiday sales. In India, festivals not only provide a ground ripe for communal bonding but... View Article

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