Tag Archive: protium blog

  • s-a-Long-Term-Business-Loan-Right-for-Your-Business. Read now to learn.

    Is a Long-Term Business Loan Right for Your Business?

    Synopsis: Long-term business loans are credit borrowings that can be repaid over a prolonged period of time, along with added interest and fees. Read along to know if it’s the right decision for your business. While income from sales can... View Article

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  • How to Get a Loan to Start a New Business – 7 Steps To Follow

    Synopsis: In today’s article, we will talk about the steps involved in applying for a business loan when starting a new business venture.   Ambition and grit are some of the most prized and essential entrepreneurial traits, but these in no... View Article

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  • Festive Season 2022: How Can Platform Sellers Increase Their Holiday Sales?

    Synopsis: In today’s blog post, we bring some strategies that platform sellers can apply to profit from the marked uptick in consumer demand experienced during holiday sales. In India, festivals not only provide a ground ripe for communal bonding but... View Article

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  • How to Scale Your Small Business This Festive Season with a Business Loan?

    Synopsis: Small businesses need to plan months ahead to successfully capitalize on the festive cheer, which can entail a substantial amount of capital. Hence, we explain why it is a better option to fulfill this demand for capital through a... View Article

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  • Top 6 Financing Options for Retail Businesses in India 

    Synopsis: Availability or lack of timely and adequate financing can make or break a retail business. So, we enumerate the top 6 financing options which business owners can utilize to take their business to new heights.  A retail business, irrespective... View Article

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  • 9 Income Tax Saving Tips for Small Businesses in India

    Synopsis: With the economy under pressure from soaring inflation and supply chain disruptions, it has become difficult for small businesses to remain profitable due to margin pressures. In such a scenario, businesses should look for ways to minimize their costs... View Article

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